Hoichoi is an Indian subscription video and over-the-top streaming service. It was launched on 20 September 2017 by SVF Entertainment Pvt Ltd, a company with its headquarters in Kolkata, India. As of today, it is available for iOS, Android, Apple TV, Amazon Fire TV, and Roku users. As of this writing, there are no restrictions as to what devices you can use to access Hoichoi.
Hoichoi is free to download, but premium Hibooz users have a few limitations. The service is not available in all countries; if you are in an unsupported country, you’ll receive an error message. You can only stream content from one device at a time. In addition, Hoichoi does not offer offline viewing. You can only use it online if you have an active subscription. You can watch a variety of movies and TV shows on Hoichoi’s website.
You can download and watch Bengali movies and other content directly from the website. All videos and movies have English subtitles. Hoichoi supports fashionnowdays Chromecast and Android devices. Premium content includes Originals, WebSeries, ShortFilms, Music, Documentary, and more. The Hoichoi app is compatible with multiple platforms including iOS, Android, and Roku TV. Hoichoi is available in many languages and countries around the world.
To use Hoichoi on your Android TV, you can download the app from the respective app store. After downloading the app, you must login with your username and password. Then, you can click on “Activate device” and enter the activation code from your TV into the Hoichoi account. Once you have done this, you’ll be able to stream Hoichoi on your television. If you are not in the UK or the US, you can purchase Hoichoi on your Amazon Fire TV.